Completed since 2010
New in 2011
Under construction
Pending approval
Generation Interconnections
T-D Interconnections
Tables PR-2 through PR-22 -- Project Detail Tables
Figures PR-1 through PR-5 -- Project Maps
Table PR-23 -- Summary of Changes
Tables PR-2 through PR-13 -- Annual Project Tables
Tables PR-14 through PR-18 -- Project Tables by Zone
Table PR-19 - New ROW Line projects
Table PR-20 -- Existing ROW Line Projects
Table PR-21-- New Substations and Transformer Additions
Table PR-22 -- Substation Equipment Additions
Asset Renewal
SUMMARY OF 2011-2026 PROJECTS PDF of Current Page

The transmission facilities that we are proposing based on this Assessment are listed in Tables PR-2 through PR-22, and shown graphically by planning zone in Figures PR-1 through PR-5. Changes that have occurred since the 2010 Assessment are listed in Table PR-23. Please also refer to our Asset Renewal section for a list of our larger asset renewal projects.

In each of these tables, there is a column indicating the planned in-service year for each particular facility and a column indicating the year the facility is needed. Sometimes the year that facilities are needed precedes the planned in-service year. There are a variety of reasons for this, including:

  • The preferred alternative to address a particular need may take several years to implement.
  • The need had been addressed with operating procedures that are becoming less effective or ineffective, necessitating a permanent solution.
  • The preferred alternative to address a particular need may need to be implemented in phases, thus delaying completion of the entire project.
  • New data or information affected the nature of the need or limitation, necessitating a change in the preferred alternative and introducing a delay in implementation.
  • The need for a project was based on load or generation development that was uncertain.
  • Stakeholder input necessitated a change in the alternative to be implemented, introducing a delay in implementation.

Tables PR-2 through PR-12 show the facilities planned by year for 2011-2021. Table PR-13 shows provisional facilities where the in-service date is yet to be determined or beyond the 2021 timeframe.

Tables PR-14 through PR-18 show the facilities planned by planning zone.

Table PR-19 provides a list of planned transmission lines involving new right-of-way for 2011-2026. Since ATC intends to solicit public input on the identification of ultimate solutions through its public planning process, these particular projects may be modified in the future.

Table PR-20 provides a list of proposed transmission line rebuilds, line reconductoring and uprates on existing right-of-way.

Table PR-21 provides a list of proposed new substations and transformer additions (excluding transmission-to-distribution transformers).

Table PR-22 provides a list of other proposed substation equipment additions or replacements.


Need categories

Within these tables, the need for each project is identified. Need categories include the following:


Facility (line, transformer, substation equipment) normal rating is exceeded under normal system conditions or emergency rating is exceeded under single or multiple contingency conditions, or bus voltage is not within 5 percent of nominal voltage under normal system conditions or is not within 10 percent of nominal voltage under single or multiple contingency conditions, or the contingency creates a cascading outage risk (see Planning criteria). Impending overload or voltage violations are noted as appropriate. NERC reliability categories depicted in the Project Tables are from Table 1 of the TPL 001-004. If the reliability need is not on the Bulk Electric System, we have utilized the terminology of the voltage level preceding the equivalent NERC reliability category.
Operating flexibility
Provides enhanced ability to perform maintenance or react to system changes.
New generation
In our generation interconnection studies and related transmission service studies, the facility has been identified as necessary to accommodate new generation.
T-D interconnection
Facility is required to interconnect to a new transmission-distribution substation requested by a distribution company.
Asset renewal
We have identified the facility as needing repair or replacement.
We have identified the facility as needed to ensure that our dynamic stability criteria are met (see Planning Criteria), or to improve stability response of generation.
Preliminary and partial list of projects emerging from our economic planning studies that may be beneficial in reducing congestion, enhancing system transfer capability and producing economic benefit.
Policy benefits
Provides enhanced ability to access renewable resources and to meet the public policy objectives of state and federal governments.

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