Executive Summary
Planning Approach
Planning Zones
Public Participation
Energy Collaborative - Michigan
Eastern Wisconsin Collaborative


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NEW March 31, 2011:  The uprate work for Pleasant Prairie to Zion 345-kV line (2221) was completed and the line was returned to service. Final ratings achieved are 1334/1528 MVA for Summer Normal and Emergency operation and 1590/1781 MVA for Winter Normal and Emergency operation.

March 17, 2011:  ComEd has offered the following update regarding outages relating to Zion station modifications:


L2221 Outage: Edart ticket#420016.  ComEd outage has commenced.  Project schedule is on track to end outage on March 25, 2011 at 1500hrs pending no unforeseen/emergent events.

March 11, 2011: ComEd has offered the following update regarding outages relating to Zion station modifications:

L2221 Outage: Edart ticket#420016. ComEd outage has commenced. Project schedule is on track to end outage on March 25, 2011 at 1500hrs pending no unforeseen/emergent events.

March 2, 2011: ComEd has offered the following update regarding outages relating to Zion station modifications:

L2221 Outage: Edart ticket#420016. ComEd outage is scheduled to commence on March 7, 2011 at 0800hrs and end on March 25, 2011 at 1500hrs pending no unforeseen/emergent events.

September 27, 2010: Pleasant Prairie to Zion (#2221) 345-kV line uprate update

The work required to address the necessary Zion station modifications is anticipated to be completed by March 31, 2011. ATC continues to work with ComEd to determine if the in-service date can be accelerated.

The Eastern Wisconsin Collaborative (EWC) was established to identify, prioritize and coordinate the evaluation and analysis of the many performance challenge issues that exist in the eastern area of ATC’s footprint. There are several regional studies in progress that require monitoring to ensure proper coordination.


The EWC concept was rolled out to stakeholders in a presentation on February 22, 2010.  Input from customers on area trends and challenges has reinforced the Planning Group’s direction of establishing the following:

  • Phase 1 study of the Southeastern Wisconsin. The analysis is proposed to include assessments of multiple contingencies, transfer capability, and operational considerations.
  • Phase 2 is preliminarily slated to be a study of Northeastern Wisconsin and to be initiated subsequent to the Phase 1 analysis. Specifics of the analyses to be conducted will be defined at a later date and will include an assessment of a significant increase of wind generation in this area.



Dale Burmester, Manager - Major Projects

Email - dburmester@atcllc.com                                



Patrick Gerum, Transmission Planning Engineer

Email - pgerum@atcllc.com                               


 Links to presentation material:


February 22, 2010 stakeholder meeting

Agenda Item 1: Eastern Wisconsin Collaborative

May 10, 2010 stakeholder meeting

Agenda Item 8-a:  Eastern Wisconsin Collaborative Update (Presentation)

Agenda Item 8-b:  Eastern Wisconsin Collaborative Update (02/22/10 Discussion Notes)

Economic Project Planning webpage



June 23, 2010: Pleasant Prairie to Zion (#2221) 345-kV line rating and future line rating update:

The existing rating of this line is 973/1069 MVA for Summer Normal and Emergency operation and 1053/1143 MVA for Winter Normal and Emergency operation.  A project to replace the wave trap at the Zion substation is in progress.  Exact construction dates are not known at this time.  The expected future line ratings which result from the wave trap replacement will be 1201/1479 MVA for Summer Normal and Emergency operation and 1497/1710 MVA for Winter Normal and Emergency operation.

June 23, 2010: SE WI Interface Capability Improvement:

The following chart depicts the seasonal ATC system export transfer capability changes resulting from the following potential incremental improvements of the Pleasant Prairie to Zion 345 kV transmission line (2221). [The interface capability improvement analysis incorporates an ATC conductor temperature rating improvement to operate at Summer Emergency temperature of 229 F.]

More information may be added as the Collaborative develops and expands (Studies such as the announced economic analysis of HVDC to address market and reliability issues in southeastern Wisconsin). Details will be posted in the future at the Economic Project Planning webpage located at: http://www.atc10yearplan.com/A8.shtml

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