South Central/Southwest Wisconsin and North Central Illinois
Zone 3
Transmission system limitations in Zone 3
Zone 3 is undergoing significant new generation interconnection requests and different projects that will allow their energy deliverability across the region. In addition, there are multiple projects that will increase the reliability, condition, and performance of existing transmission assets.
Electricity usage growing
Electric load is forecasted to grow approximately 0.16% annually through 2033 in Zone 3.
Transmission projects in Zone 3
The most notable planned, proposed, and provisional network/asset renewal projects in Zone 3 are listed below along with their projected year of completion and the factors driving the need for the projects.
Zone 3 includes the counties of:
- Columbia , Wis.
- Crawford (S) , Wis.
- Dane , Wis.
- Dodge , Wis.
- Grant , Wis.
- Green , Wis.
- Iowa , Wis.
- Jefferson , Wis.
- Lafayette , Wis.
- Richland , Wis.
- Rock , Wis.
- Sauk , Wis.
- Walworth , Wis.
- Winnebago (N) , Ill.
Zone 3 Planned Projects
Project Description | Project # | In-service year | Need driver |
Rock County Reliability Project | 1 | 2024 | Reliability |
Gaston Road SS, DIC, Additional Transformer | 2 | 2024 | T‑D interconnection |
Duck Creek SS, DIC, New Substation | 3 | 2024 | T-D Interconnection |
Nelson Dewey – Bloomington 69-kV (Y-184), rebuild & OPGW | 4 | 2025 | Reliability, Condition and Performance |
Huiskamp – Ruskin (6937), Partial Rebuild | 5 | 2025 | Condition and Performance |
North Beaver Dam SS Asset Renewal & South Beaver Dam – North Beaver Dam, 69-kV (Y-59) Line Rebuild | 6 | 2026 | Condition and Performance |
Darlington – Rock Branch 69-kV (Y-109), Rebuild | 7 | 2026 | Condition and Performance |
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