Projects completed since last report
Transmission projects significantly affecting the system performance that have been completed since the 2012 Assessment was issued in October 2012, include:
Project Name | Zone |
Relocate Engadine 69-kV load | 2 |
Straits Substation: Install redundant bus differentials on 138-kV buses | 2 |
Install 2-16.33 Mvar 69-kV capacitor banks at Nine Springs Substation | 3 |
Uprate Fitchburg-Nine Springs 69-kV and Royster-Pflaum 69-kV lines and move AGA load to the Royster-Femrite 69-kV line | 3 |
Construct 345-kV line from Rockdale to Cardinal | 3 |
Construct a 345-kV bus and install a 345/138 kV 500 MVA transformer at Cardinal Substation | 3 |
Christiana Substation: Install redundant bus differentials on 138-kV buses | 3 |
Rockdale substation: Install redundant bus differentials on 345-kV and 138-kV buses | 3 |